Expediting Service
Expediting is a concept in purchasing and project management for securing the quality and timely delivery of goods and components. Asian Inspection provides a proactive and cost-effective expediting service through the company’s network of experienced field expediters located close to most major manufacturing centers in Pakistan and India. They visit supplier factories to ensure that the established production schedule is fully respected and that the contractual delivery dates will be met. However, this should not mean compromises in other contractual obligations. This is where proactive monitoring is most essential
Asian’s expediting service is a real-time task, which often demands immediate responses to contingencies as they occur. In most cases it is not possible for the importer/client to be on-site with every supplier around the world, so there is a need for trusted local expeditors with expert local knowledge.
Most supply contracts involve complex supply chains from numerous sources, often involving items procured from suppliers in other countries. Late delivery from any one supplier can have an impact on the whole chain, preventing projects from being completed on time and budget.
Our expediting services include preventive checks designed to pre-empt potential delays. The process includes, but is not limited to, order verification, review of production schedules, related raw material stocks in hand and in the pipeline, including packaging materials and shipping details. We monitor production, making you aware of any delays or revisions, and give you an independent overview of progress. We also monitor production milestones, keeping an eye on possible roadblocks and work to get things back on schedule if deadlines are missed.
As a public service, may we add that electric power outages are a recurring dilemma in Pakistan, India and countries in the region. So as a matter of primary importance you must confirm that the prospective vendor has standby power generation facility to run all departments of the factory, so that a major reason for delays is forestalled.